Oil pump rebuild ?

Energy One
Was working on the 05 chopper and broke off the oil fitting coming out of the bottom of the pump cover. Had to pull the cover to get the rest of the fitting out with an easy out. So I had to order a S&S rebuild kit to get the gaskets. So I was thinking maybe i should rebuild the pump while I was at it. Here is a picture of the pump cover. Can anyone tell me why the gears are eating into the cover ? Not sure about how to do the rebuild.

Any help would be appreciated, Thanks



Well-Known Member
Push the gear back. Take a ice pick and start at one end. Try and pry it over the shaft end. Those gears should have a punch mark on them that needs to line up with the other one. Do a google search on s&s oil pump rebuild.

john sachs

Well-Known Member
Take the ball and spring out of the short tower on the oil pump. Does oil come up with those parts out. If not put the pieces back in the tower, and squirt oil in it. Sometimes a prime like that will get it going. The/Curtis part #'s look correct for your engine.