Primary still leaking?


Active Member
Last season, I noticed a small leak of primary oil after even a short 5 mile ride. It was showing up behind the inner primary at the bottom front 'primary to engine bolt'. So I removed the inner and outer primary. I cleaned and inspected all surfaces and o ring grooves for burrs, I replaced both tranny seals, the 6 'tranny to primary' o rings, the two 'engine to primary o rings, the big engine to primary o ring, I used Hylomar on all o rings and surfaces that mate, used blue loctite and torqed every thing in the correct pattern and torque.

Ran the bike a few minutes, and found that I am still leaking in the same place????? The oil must be getting past the big Engine o ring?

Just as before just seaping but will leave a drop or two on the ground after a short ride. I was sooo very careful on each step and am sure that noneof the o rings slipped (as they were held in place with the Hylomar).
Does anybody else get a leak in this area???? '05 Pitbull


Active Member
Update... Ran the engine for about the same time again this morning and no leak??? I did all the work in a cold garage, perhaps when I first fired the bike yesterday, after all the new o rings, I got a little blow by, but after warming up everything warmed up and sealed????

Bobby Schulz

Active Member
Check and make sure that your primary is vented!!! Some of the 05 models left the factory with out the vent and after riding for a bit they will build pressure and push past the seal.:eek: Ask me how I know:angry::bang::rant: