Pushrod Adj. Questions and Clarifications?


The Doctor
I have read over the very detailed picture/post on adjusting the pushrods but just want to clarify a few things so I don't screw up royally and hope that I can find the sweet spot to quiten this 117 down at least a little. I understand most and want to clarify... better to measure twice and cut once!

First of, how do I know for sure if I have standard or the HL2T on this 07 K9?

If front cylinder is at TDC on compression stroke and both the int/exh valves are fully seated, can I adjust both on that cylinder or is that a bad thing? Or should I do one at a time?

Now when I am ready to adjust one, lets say I am at TDC and adjusting the front exhaust pushrod, should the pushrod at this point in time not spin freely? And so now i back off the locknut on the lifter side and collapse it in till the pushrod becomes free or at zero lash, then go 3 or 4 turns back out and wait for bleed down? And if after about lets say 15 minutes, the pushrod spins free, then lock it down and move on?

And since I feel I have excessive noise, should I go 4 flats out?

I am just trying to grasp the concept before diving in to ensure my success!

I guess my adjustments will either fix it or "F" it up...



The Doctor
Figured it out and got the pushrods adjusted last night. :whoop: Man what a difference it made in the noises and a very simple procedure once it all clicked in my head! Now all I here is slight ticks, which is from my understanding normal for this 117. Gonna wipe her all down this evening and go for a nice, less noisy ride! :whoop:


Well-Known Member
thats great dude!!! there are prolly a million different ways to adjust the push rods just find what works for yuo and stick with it!