replacing rear rotor

Energy One


New Member
I seen a couple post on rear rotor replacement, but being a first timer does any one have a more detailed instructions on how to do this. Do you loosen the nuts on both sides? Which side does the axle come out on? I can see how to remove the caliber and I also see the allen screw that hold the axle. I have seen comments about 2 allen screw on each side I only see the one on each side and I removed it and it is the one that goes all the way through to hold or lock the axle. Does the entire wheel need to come off for this or can you just push the axle through far enough to the left to replace the rotor. I have a 2003 Mastiff left side drive with a floating rotor that rattle like hell!!!!!!!

Thanks for any help.



Mr. Old Fart member #145
Staff member
if you have a floating rotor, you may only need to replace the keeper pins instead of replacing the whole thing if the rotor is within tolerance. the pins do wear out.


New Member
Thanks for the answer, but it seems these button are not available. I talk to BD and they said you have to replace the rotor. That why I looking for someone that has done this.


The Pirate
Staff member
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Troop Supporter
You need to order a manual Steve. A HD Softail manual would help. There are several threads in the "How To" section on doing wheels. And many of use have taken lots of pics of pulling the wheels if you search them out.

By the way, my 03 Mastiff had solid discs. But as posted on here before some like LDO have floating discs. I would think that if you have the solid discs you can have them milled/trued up depending on amount of wear.
