Rt Turn Signal

Energy One


Iron Mikey
Howdy from SE Arizona. The right turn signal on my 2012 Dyna SG Custom has power, the turn signal light works but the running light doesn’t.
I’ve swapped the working left bulb in the right socket with the same result.
Any wire dogs out there smart on this?



Sorry, I can’t help you. I’ve never owned a Harley either…somebody here will probably help you out. Also, try a Harley forum search..


Iron Mikey
Thanks. I own an ‘07 Big Dog and four Harleys (I know, I need an interdiction! - or NOT!)
Checked the HD Forum and saw some options but wanted to check this Forum and others to canvas the whole community.
Thanks for the advice. By the thundering silence so far I hope I didn’t commit heresy asking a Harley question on this site!