Running out of fuel…


04 Pitbull
…well, it acts like it but one of the sides of my tanks still has gas. Has anyone else seen this? Is my balancing tube clogged up? 04 Pitbull here.

I even wondered if the petcock switch was not on and off, but rather left and right fuel tank.

thank you for any and all input on this. It sucks to worry if you’re gonna run out of gas all the time.

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Don't know about 04 fuel petcocks but my 02 has 3 positions. All the way one way is on, all the way the other is off, and halfway in between is reserve. I learned the hard way one day when the bike started sputtering like it was running out of gas, so quick like a bunny I flipped the valve all the way ( thinking that was reserve) but found out real quick it wasn't. sat along the side of the road for a while with fuel still in the tank before actually looking at the petcock and seeing reserve in the middle position. flipped the valve and was on my way feeling like the world's biggest dumbass ! Also after getting home I drained all the fuel from both tanks, pulled the petcock, and cleaned a bit of tank liner from it . Then I hooked a short piece of garden hose to my shop vac and sucked all the loose pieces of liner from the tanks. ( I can't believe I didn't' blow the shop vac up sucking gas fumes through it)


04 Pitbull
As I get older, I realize my eyesight sucks. Literally over the last 18 months I feel like it’s changed dramatically. Anyway, this is the reason I didn’t notice the three settings on my petcock. Thank you all for your insight and for putting up with having a dip shit like me on your forum.

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As I get older, I realize my eyesight sucks. Literally over the last 18 months I feel like it’s changed dramatically. Anyway, this is the reason I didn’t notice the three settings on my petcock. Thank you all for your insight and for putting up with having a dip shit like me on your forum.

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Hopefully the reserve position on your petcock was the only thing wrong. Something simple and absolutely free to fix. I guarantee you're not the first and only one that had that happen. Hang around here long enough and you'll hear of a lot of silly mistakes we've all made with these bikes. By the way, Welcome to the group!