Starter Make'n Spinning Sound?

I was hit'n the Start Button and just geting a Click Sound. Push Started the Bike and it Started Fine about a dozen Times after that. Now I'm just Geting a Spinning Sound!!! Does that Sound like the Starter is gone and If so any info on where to get a New ONE????? :bang: Thanks So Much Ya'll.....


Active Member
i got water in my starter a while back and the bearings rusted to the point it wouldnt turn over. I pulled the starter and had it rebuilt locally. It was less than $50. :2thumbs:


Longhair Redneck Geek
Sounds like you sheared off the shaft to the starter. Pull off your primary cover and look. Just a little time and a bottle of fluid to put back in when you close it up but this is where I would look. They punch out when you hit it and does not mesh once or twice and puts a fracture in the shaft and then one time you hit it and it turns over and breaks off. Double check that your compression releases are working as well.


Active Member
Neil is right - I had 2 break on me. That was back when I had an ECH.. What was happening was a timing issue on start up - Think of an old style kick start bike and you know how sometimes you would get a "back kick". That's what was going on in the shaft in the starter only spins in one direction. If you try to spin in backwards, it will shear off.