Starting problem Update


First off, I apologize if I'm not using this forum correctly, but I posted a thread about this problem a little while back and wasn,t sure if I should have added this to the old one or start a new thread.Feel free to straighten me out on that. Anyway I got some response that really helped. I have a 2003 Bulldog, 4800 mi. Occasionally I get a "whizzing" from the starter. I installed a new Braille battery and cleaned the contacts on the solenoid, problem went away....almost.While changing my primary fluid, I noticed a lot of metal shavings on the magnetic plug. I pulled the primary cover and Starter gear ( this is what they are calling it in my manual ) looked worn to me.
Questions: ( pics attached )
1) Am I correct about the starter gear?
2) I can spin the starter gear clockwise by hand, is that ok? (Pics#2 & 3 )
3) Can the starter gear be replaced by removing that bolt, or is there more to it?
4) Should I spray the inner primary down with anything to remove any additional metal shavings. If so what should I use?
Thanks in advance for any help or additional info. This site & you all are the shit when it comes to a guy just wanting to get to know how his bike ticks and not have to bring it to the shop for every hiccup. Thanks again!



If you have a lot of metal shavings that are magnetic you might want to check your stator as well.