Thunder-heart ignition



Just got finished with the install super easy, I took it for a ride and WOW!:eek::eek::eek: That really woker up! Set on 30:D. Then I noticed my tach wasn't working:confused:, it was stuck on 1k.... WTH?!?! What did I do? I know in one of Jakes posts he said to go into the settings on you laptop to fix the calibration or what not, but that is the pulse rate, will that also keep the tach at 1k? I don't have the connector that goes from the usb to rs232:bang:, so I haven't hooked up the laptop yet, I am leaving here shortly with the wifey and will pick one up.

Other than that! WOW!:whoop::cheers:


Well-Known Member
Troop Supporter
Once you get the proper adapter, follow Jakes instruction and your tach will work the way it is supposed to. That is way I did and have not had any problems.

Carlos :whoop:


Sweet! Thanks LB, always count on your opinion. :2thumbs:


dry docked
:D What will the Thunder-Heart do for my 05 Ridgeback with the restriction plates and Super E carb? ... Anyone? Jake? :eek: :confused: :job: