Trouble getting fuel in tank

I have and 08 Pitbull.....It seems like my fuel bevel is in backwards; I can't put fuel in the tank without sitting on the bike and moving the bars to the right. The fuel nozzle has to be angled back toward the seat for me to get it in the tank. Is everyone else's tank like this?


Active Member
:DI have an 08 as well... if I follow what you are saying I do the opposite. I have to turn bars to the right and feed the nozzle spout between the throttle/brake cables and handle bar so the angle is toward the front right of the bike. Pain in the arse to fuel this thing up but like anything else once you get use to it not too bad. So not sure how it is intended to be so no offense but your way doesn't sound correct to me. **Be carefull don't over fill**:D


I point the nozzle towards the back end of the opening.. Slowly and lightly adding the gas. Takes some bit of getting use.. I fill to the bottom of the bevel. Kind of a pain but I get there....