what's next


I know without looking into the problem I an't fix the problem, but just looking for some insight on anyone's with a similar problem.
2008 Mastiff- Love my Mastiff, but is trying my patience.
New perfect condition lithium battery installed last year- cranks amazing. One this year I had no power with the key on. Nothing powered. I tried a quick boost to verify battery power and no power. Didn't have time past that to look into it. Went back a day later and it powered up and ran like a beast. Another time after it started the bike lost all electrical power but continued to run. Tach and speedo and lights shut down and turn signals were flashing. Shut down and had no power. Pulled seat to see if ECU had lights on and when I touched the harness it was not loose but when I turned the key, everything power up. Engine never shut down while it was running. Is this the typical signs of the harness and ECU dropping out?
Second thing that has happened, out of the blue it will fell like it drops a cylinder here and there. Comes and goes, but never at idle and never when I get it in the garage to start checking for spark. Dropped cylinder feeling is not consistent and is here and they as one off misfire. No pop though exhaust or through carb.
I know nobody here can tell me exactly what is wrong, but maybe with someones experience of this it can push me in a direction. I appreciate the input from the members here.
Thanks for your assistance. It has always given me positive results.


Well-Known Member
Pops is right, yesterday the bike would not crank. The speedo was flickering like the battery had a bad connection. I loosened the battery connections (New Lithium) and retightened. When I attempted to start again the bike cranked with no start but also it continued to crank after releasing the start button and also turning off the key. With haste I disconnected the ground side of the battery to stop the starter.
The bike now, with the key off, will energize the comp releases and starter as soon as I reconnect power. I'm guessing somehow the EHC got smoked but I'll come back with the end of the story after I troubleshoot.
I can't blame the battery yet but odds are good I won't be putting it back in the bike regardless of what went wrong.


Appreciate the comments. I have used the battery for almost a year with no problems. Rode the bike this year without any issues until this just happened recently. I agree amperage and fluctuations in voltage can cause some real problems. In the next day or so, I will have time to pull the EHC and wiring. If I don't have power I can check power and ground and see where I am. I look forward to seeing what Mike finds as well.


Active Member
You said it yourself...ehc. Pay the moolah and rewire the entire bike, removing the brain. I had it done a few years ago. Never had any electrical issues. I have two fuses and a bunch o' room under the seat.


Well-Known Member
Ok I'm back with my findings on the problem I had is post #6 . My Axel EHC was toast. This is a picture of the connector to my Start button PCB. The shiny stuff is very fine metal shavings built up over time from the throttle operation. I was able to troubleshoot the problem by installing my old original EHC and using the fault lights. The battery was not shorted and the EHC was protected by a CB. I really can't say for sure why the EHC went south but regardless I removed the Lithium battery and went back to a Deka.
One funny note is that I replaced my original EHC a few years ago because it would act up when it got cold . It's summer now and it works fine so at least for now I'm happy :D

