Were you pushing oil past the exhaust guide and into combustion chamber?
I'm going to assume yours does this now with a question like that being asked out of the blue (pun intended).
A rocker angle is going to push the top of the valve one way, the bottom of the guides holds the cocked angle the other way at the end of the guide, tick-tick is the wear pattern, correct?
So that's a telltale sign of not holding back the oil with a more closer tolerance at the guides. Then, a path for oil to be sucked out of every intake stroke. In the morning with the drips gathering up behind a closed valve, the intake charge of gas washes the valve off, lights the oil up, puffs out of the exhaust and then stops once idling.
If say a fire up would continue to smoke, then it would point to rings. Oil into the combustion chamber would be excessive and that would point to rings. The telltale sign on this one is oil up the spark plug threads.
The question are; do we have dry or wet spark plug threads for rings. The next question is; does the engine smoke upon startup and clears for guides?
a. Tick-tick would be an out of tolerance piston skirt clearance. The tick of the offset for the piston to pass TDC, then tick again moving past BDC. Piston tick.
b. Tick-tick would be [a new one on me being] an out of tolerance valve guide clearance. The tick or the smack of the valve cocking open, cocking closed: is the guess of one bad guide only. (Unless John says it takes two worn guides to tick-tick).