Im was looking for this vent earlier on my 2005 BDM chopper.
The dime size above the adjuster looks to me to be an allen wrench fitting to the chamfered bolt? am i missing something
I have a major leak in the primary someplace, this weekend after riding hell i had oil up on the back fender, what a mess
picking up a used lift tonight, really tired of working on this bike on the ground
History was dealer had done a clutch 2 times on this side so im not sure what they had off. I ordered the o-ring seals
BBD that is the update to their dumb venting idea on the inspection cover.
The original idea was that the insp cover would be the vent. That there was no way the fluid would travel upwards thru the square void from the lower left corner, thru the sponge that was suppose to be there, to the channel above (mine is already sealed with silicone in pic below), across the top channel, and out of that cover area. WRONG! So they started to have techs seal that venting setup with silicone, sense you had the button on the backside of the inner primary. Then they went to the one piece large square gasket instead of this o-ring setup.
The vent like I said is on the backside of the inner primary between the motor and the tranny. Smaller than a dime and has a mesh center to it. You can see it on the inside in the pic below... at the top above the adjustor