Chasing ignition gremlins


Well-Known Member
My 2005 was suffering the same problem of just shutting down like I hit the engine cutoff switch. It would restart immediately without a problem. Sometimes it would cut out after a half mile, sometimes 10 miles or sometimes not at all. Went to the dealer, explained the symptoms to the mechanic and he diagnosed the tach. Said it sounded like the tach board was shorting out. He replaced the tach board (no cost) and I have put on over 2500 trouble free miles since. So, check the tach board for corrosion.
My 2005 was suffering the same problem of just shutting down like I hit the engine cutoff switch. It would restart immediately without a problem. Sometimes it would cut out after a half mile, sometimes 10 miles or sometimes not at all. Went to the dealer, explained the symptoms to the mechanic and he diagnosed the tach. Said it sounded like the tach board was shorting out. He replaced the tach board (no cost) and I have put on over 2500 trouble free miles since. So, check the tach board for corrosion.
My tach board was replaced a while ago. As far as I can tell it's been solved, time will tell. :)

Well, over 200 miles so far with ZERO ignition problems!! :whoop: I think I may have solved the problem.

My poor Jeep only got to go about 10 miles last week! That was to the grocery store!! :lol:


what the update...what the cost of a cam going to change mine as my bike is doing everything you siad yours was doin
what the update...what the cost of a cam going to change mine as my bike is doing everything you siad yours was doin
It's still working great. The cam sensor was about $80 at my HD dealer, just ask for one for a mid-90's Evo. Good luck. :2thumbs: