I've got an 03 Pitbull. It's got about 3200 miles on it and I've already had to replace the rear pads. I noticed before I replaced them, that I could wash the bike, ride it around the block and the rear wheel would damn near be covered with black dust. Problem is, the new pads are doing the same thing. The guy at BD Tampa didn't have any ideas. I heard BD of Nashville had a new style of pads made from copper that are manufactured by Thunderheart. I called them, and the parts manager confirmed, but wouldn't give me the part number so I could get them local. I guess they're selling them exclusively for Thunderheart.
Anyone else had this problem with rear pads? It makes what should be a shiney clean rear end look like hell after about two stop lights.
One other thing I noticed too. It must have and effect on the drive belt, because when it gets dirty/dusty, I hear the belt making a whistling noise that goes away after I wash it.
Anyone else had this problem with rear pads? It makes what should be a shiney clean rear end look like hell after about two stop lights.
One other thing I noticed too. It must have and effect on the drive belt, because when it gets dirty/dusty, I hear the belt making a whistling noise that goes away after I wash it.