Moespeeds did this. I think there is a thread about it here somewhere. Or shoot him a PM. You didn't buy the HID for your bike did you?
I'm telling you, the HID ballast picks up on these bad headlight outputs out of the EHC. The ballast shuts down into protection mode because of a lack of power on the headlight circuit.
It isn't the HID causing it, it is just the Ballast shutting down and then the EHC locks in a loop because the ballast is shut down.
There have been over 20 headlight circuits go out on guys bikes WITHOUT Hid kits just in the last couple/few months that have posted it.
That is why 98% of the guys I have sold Kits to have not had a problem, but the other few have bad, but not failed EHC's. The headlight circuit is the first to go in most cases, like Moespeed stated.