Crack in gas tank-line at cap? / Won't vent


I've been hearing some vibration from the gas tank for about the last 1000 miles and couldn't pinpoint it. It's really loud bet 3000 to 3500 RPM. I even double checked the 4 tank mounting screws and replaced the gromets... I finally figured out what it was,... a crack in the fuel tank. Is this the vent line? The tank won't vent at all either. I pulled off the chrome BD gas cap assmebly after it shit the bed. I have a regular old car type harley black gas cap now. Everytime I fuel up, it sucks like a mofo :confused:, and I think it's getting worse since I just rode the bike to the beach and I couldn't start it until I popped the cap..... hmmmm? weird. :rant: :bang: I got some pics right here, Can you guys see him the thumbnail thing? This is my first post with pics?...:confused:



As many mechanical problems it not just one thing. I had some sort of fuel starvation problem when I got the bike a few weeks ago. Go about a mile it would sputter & stall. Sometimes impossible to restart.

1. So first thing was to take vent out of right fuel cap & it would go further but still would eventually stall & finally it would not restart at all.

2. Hauled to okcthunder for tune up, dyno & help. Fuel line more than twice too long & fuel could not get to carb fast enough.

3. Ran much better but still would eventually have to losen left unvented cap (right side vented cap didn't seem to help) as bike would start to sputter going down highway. Lost cap once - no fun.

4. Pulled dash & pulled vent line between tanks. Left inlet tube totally blocked by I guess tank sealant. Cleared the obstruction & she runs like a scalded cat or should I say dog.

A big thanks to this forum & all the posters because I don't think I would have figured this out on my own
I just read JSUB's problem with his tank venting back in April,...he's got a 2004 like mine, but I don't have a problem running. I have good throttle response..


ummmm. What white center section?... I'm not using the BD cap anymore... I changed the cap....


well guess that dosent apply,, is your cap vented?? did it just start? did it start after you changed the cap, I got a custom cap to, from low down chop shop


Mine cracked too. Checked the line to the bottom of the tank and it wasn't venting anything anywhere. It was plugged. Took the vent line out and bike runs fine.