When I was adjusting my carb, my bike backfired a bunch of times and then it started sounding very strange. Almost like it skipped time a bit. The carb is set back to the correct settings, but it still sounds very strange and has about 50% power when I take off. Is it possible for it to skip time after a major backfire? If so, can tell me the best way to adjust my timing back? My bike is an 2003 chopper with an S&S super G and stock ignition.:bang:
No it can not go out of time unless you loosen your cam position sensor in the nose cone, Did you? Worth taking the cover off and checking to make sure for what ever reason it did not loosen up on the studs holding the plate in.
Also, you say you adjusted your carb, did this start after you adjusted or were you trying to fix the problem by adjusting your carb?
Your fuel air screw can get a small grove in it after time and throw the fuel/air ratio off enough to make it run like shit and backfire a lot. It should not make it loose power, unless it is so rich that your plugs are all carbon up and it's trying to missfire? Check the easy things first, plugs, see how they look. Also check for an intake leak, that is very common for your bike along with most all H-D's. With your bike running at idle, Spray some shop solve onto your intake manifold directing it onto each cyl head. This should be done from the right side of the bike (air filter side) and take care to not allow the solvent to get into the air filter, this will give you false readings. If you have an intake leak most likely your idle will drop off, if sever enough it may even stall the motor. However sometimes it does increase the idle as well. Basically you are looking for an erratic idle when you spray the intake seals.
Also when you are checking your spark plugs, make sure when you put the wires back on they fit nice and tight onto the plug and you are able to feel a slight click, if they feel worn, replace them, they are a cheap repair (around $20)
Hope you figure it out, let us know what you find.:up: