2001 mastiff electrical


have a 2001 mastiff. tried to start and barely turned over. charged battery and now nothing. no indicators, lights, speedo, nothing. had battery tested and it was good. did nothing but charge battery in between. is there breakers/fuses i can check and where might they be located. thanks for any help


2005 Pitbull
Check connection to battery! All connectors on? Red and Black? Keep it simple!

With all power off, it's not like the starter wire is the issue. Was your battery tested under a load? Just because it shows 12V while sitting in the bike does not mean it's good. Check your ground from the battery to where ever it grounds to the bike. Clean up the connectors, snug them back down and try again. :D


New Member
Did you figure it out? I think that I'm having a similar problem on an '02 Mastiff. I try to start it and it barely turns over maybe once and then lots of clicking.