Modifing The Supertrap Exhaust!

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Well-Known Member
Have had my 07 Chopper for a week today and have only rode it once last Wednesday ......BUT I hated the sound of the restrictive MUFFLER so I took matters into my own hands and Modified the sucker and it sounds great!!!! And was chee:up: p !!!!

Step 1 Remove the three alanhead cap screws that secure the end of muffler ..two on the side and one on the end.
Optional Step 2 Remove the muffler mounting bracket from the frame and remove it from the muffler.
Optional Step 3 Slide the chrome shield off to keep it from being damaged .
Step 3 Aquire a 12" long 1/2" drill bit and drill three or more holes into the first of the four baffles the first ones are located aprox nine inches from the end of the pipe and do the same to the other pipe you can stop hear if you just want a deeper sound ....BUT if you really want it to talk .
Step 4 Aquire a one inch water pipe at least 15" long and just hammer out the two baffles that you just drilled ...and you could stop hear...BUT
Step 5 Get a long threaded rod 1/2 or better at least 25" long sharpen on grinder and go to work on the second set of baffles "how much you remove will affect the sound" ...I left in some but not much. You now are left with a two into one exhaust system that has a stock look but sounds great !!!
Step 6 Replace the chrome shield and end piece "The shield has shims to keep the shield from rattling remember to replace these". and rehang the system . Enjoy Cost $19.50 for drill bit , Time One hour 15min . I know I'm fairly new to this forum but I did not see any one who has done this and this will greatly improve the sound and I'm thinking the power also ! Good luck all...
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Staff member
What a great idea.
Now we will need a video clip to hear the resulrs.

Hey, anybody want to buy my stock set and mod them?

See Ya!


The Pirate
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Good job Scuba, well documented on here since the pipes first appeared back in 04. Here is a pic of mine and you can see the plugs are only tack welded in. Easy to slide a punch up in there and break them loose or break them out all together.
Most people forget though that there are four plugs! Two on each end of the muffler. Don't have to remove all that covers you did!!!
Makes you wonder how the motor breaths with only those few holes for the exhaust to pass through. :flag:


Well-Known Member
When I removed the covers I was looking for a way to remove the whole muffler then remove the baffles then replace but as you know the unit is welded together ...I did worry a bit about having the baffles come loose and rattling around inside the muffler ..hence the drill bit. I did not have a 22" drill bit so the thredded rod surficed ,I'm wondering what others used and how?

I never did see at threads on this are the older ones removed?


The Pirate
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And a lot of it is on the original HotRodBiker website that proceeded this site. :flag:


Longhair Redneck Geek
Just use a piece of re-bar or anything long enough to punch out the washer on the front side. The back washer you can use a extension if nothing else. Look inside with a flashlight and you can see how far you need to go into the muffler and bang away. Usually a good couple of hits will do it.


Well-Known Member
Has any one had the far baffels fall and rattle around inside the muffler?
By the way throttle responce increased beyond my expections .. I will be getting a new system in 08


I did the same mod and this is what I did.
Tools needed: drill motor, 1-1/4" metal hole saw, 2- 12" hole saw extensions, 2ft piece of copper wire (small hook bent on the end), shop vac.
The exhausts have 2 plugs each and the front plugs are in there pretty far.
The 1-1/4" hole saw drills these out very nicely. Make sure the hole saw and extensions are tight!! Drill each plug then remove with the wire. After you are done, vacuum out with a shop vac.
Now readjust your carb, with trial and error the decel popping will be non-existent. I have had no trouble and the pipes do sound nice. At idle they are mellow and on take off they sound great. The low end drop is not very noticeable. The throttle response is a whole lot quicker (it rev's up quicker). How to remove the plugs:Carefully drill with the hole saw until it just breaks through. The metal plug will now have a hole in its center from the drill bit of the hole saw. Now all you have to do is use the copper wire to "hook" the center of it and fish it out. I used about a 2' piece of #12awg electrical wire. Pipes still on the bike, using a flashlight to see inside. Real easy.
As far as the carb adjustment goes, follow the S&S way of setting the carb back to stock and adjusting up as they suggest. Here is a great link with photos that will help even a novice in carb tuning. You will adjust the A/F and accellerator pump as the bike will fatten up after this mod.
S&S Super Carburetor Adjustments
I am pleased with the sound and the performance of this mod. It holds 90mph with ease and mpg is 40-45.

Some loss of low end tq but the top end HP has increased by 10 and it accelerates much quicker.
The price of this mod is about $20 vs ~$700. I plan upgrading in the future but I spent over 30K on this OEM set and why throw them away while they still look nice.


Active Member
Sound recording ever made?

Does anyone know if a sound recording was ever made of a modified stock SuperTrapp muffler? I have a spare that I want to modify to improve the sound just a little without being too loud and become "ticket prone". Thanks.

Gas Man

Cool isn't cheap
Calendar Participant
It will be fine Whitler... it is louder but nothing compared to aftermarket exhausts


Active Member
Thanks Gas. I see from some of the photos that you work around hazardous gases. I can tell by the electrical conduit fittings, etc. I worked for 34 years in the petrochemical industry and have a lot of experience with the NEC requirements for electrical systems in hazardous atmospheres. Ie, Class I, Group C, Division 1 for ethylene, etc. I'm experienced with ethylene, hydrogen, propylene, ethane, etc. Even did design work for a plant that used ethylene at 25K psi. This was an old British process that was one of the first polyethylene plants in the USA. Oh yes, brings back old memories. Ride safe!!!!!!!!

Gas Man

Cool isn't cheap
Calendar Participant
NO... just make it go away... no more work talk...

:cheers: Whistler!

I work in the pertro industry... more specifically the petro transportation and distribution industry. The big oil companies are my customers. I try to keep my ass out of the refineries.


Have had my 07 Chopper for a week today and have only rode it once last Wednesday ......BUT I hated the sound of the restrictive MUFFLER so I took matters into my own hands and Modified the sucker and it sounds great!!!! And was chee:up: p !!!!

Step 1 Remove the three alanhead cap screws that secure the end of muffler ..two on the side and one on the end.
Optional Step 2 Remove the muffler mounting bracket from the frame and remove it from the muffler.
Optional Step 3 Slide the chrome shield off to keep it from being damaged .
Step 3 Aquire a 12" long 1/2" drill bit and drill three or more holes into the first of the four baffles the first ones are located aprox nine inches from the end of the pipe and do the same to the other pipe you can stop hear if you just want a deeper sound ....BUT if you really want it to talk .
Step 4 Aquire a one inch water pipe at least 15" long and just hammer out the two baffles that you just drilled ...and you could stop hear...BUT
Step 5 Get a long threaded rod 1/2 or better at least 25" long sharpen on grinder and go to work on the second set of baffles "how much you remove will affect the sound" ...I left in some but not much. You now are left with a two into one exhaust system that has a stock look but sounds great !!!
Step 6 Replace the chrome shield and end piece "The shield has shims to keep the shield from rattling remember to replace these". and rehang the system . Enjoy Cost $19.50 for drill bit , Time One hour 15min . I know I'm fairly new to this forum but I did not see any one who has done this and this will greatly improve the sound and I'm thinking the power also ! Good luck all...
I will have to agree with this mod 100% I removed all four baffles of my stock exhaust and re-jetted the carburetor. Sound and performance is extraordinary compared to my Vance & himes 2-2 and the mean mother I owned in my previous k9.
Sound clip coming soon!


Well-Known Member
Hears a bit of a update .... those of you who know me know I bought some used Mean Mothers off this site a while back ...well they came off a K9 and I have a chopper 1st mistake ...I thought the pipes were the same and that the bracket was a bit different because of the wider tire , well I ordered a bracket from Nelson and when it came it was wrong the top pipe would not even come close to bolting up , so long story short I made it work by bolting the two brackets together ..what I really want to tell everyone is that I removed the stock Mean Mother baffels and made "washer baffels" using the idea from this site just using a screw eye and welding the washer to it and bolting this up using the baffel mounting hole ,the sound is LOUD but I now have ZERO decel pop and the dog runs great pulls better then ever!!!
Good mod ..cheep and works well !!!



Re Jet with stock exhaust mod

I have an 08 Ridgeback and am doing the exhaust mod that TacoLoco did. I am drilling out the four baffle plates. What size main and intermediate jets is everyone using with the 4 baffle plates removed? I need a starting size for the new jets and will dial in from there. I'v read just about everything on the mod and rejetting that I see and still dont see what size to start with. If I missed it a link from one of you good folks would help. If not let me know what you are using.
I dont know if the engine spec is the same in previous years. Maybe someone can tell me when they started using the 117ci as it sits in my 08 Ridge. Thanks Juice


I reread the "Modifing the supertrap exhaust" thread and am still unsure on where to start with jetting. I'll repost. Thanks all! Juice
I have an 08 Ridgeback and am doing the exhaust mod that TacoLoco did. I am drilling out the four baffle plates. What size main and intermediate jets is everyone using with the 4 baffle plates removed? I need a starting size for the new jets and will dial in from there. I'v read just about everything on the mod and rejetting that I see and still dont see what size to start with. If I missed it a link from one of you good folks would help. If not let me know what you are using.
I dont know if the engine spec is the same in previous years. Maybe someone can tell me when they started using the 117ci as it sits in my 08 Ridge. Thanks Juice
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