Transmission- 03 Chopper. Baker 6 spd O.D.


I developed a gravelly sound the other day and thought it was my primary. I drained her (clean fluid, no metal) I tightened up the chain inside, checked everything and made sure it was tight. Put her togetor and relubed it. Still had the sound. It is there under a load and while in gear, not while idleing. It's real bad when you let off the throttle. Drained the oil and the lower end, both were absent of metal shavings. Drained the tranny and have metal chunks in it. anybody rebuilt one of these? I have looked throught the forums and done a search but found nothing. I thought for sure a gearhead on here had rebuilt one. Any help would be appreciated, pictures would be perfect!

I tried to put pics in of the metal chunks but I'm not that computer savvy. They appear to be chunks of pin style bearings.

I'm wondering if I could go in from the primary where you adjust the clutch (mainshaft) and pull this assembly out completely and find my issue there or if I need to pull the transmission completely off and go from there. I have spoken to Baker and they sale each part separetely So I just neeed to know the proper way to start my attack on this
Bigdogtech rebuilds them for a reasonable charge. I believe he can get you the parts as well. I haven't been inside a 6 speed.
I have done a 5 speed and it wasn't all that difficult.
Sounds like you need to remove the transmission and pop the top and have a look.
If it has parts rattling around, it probably didn't do the gears any favors either. Don't ride it anymore!!

Go to this link. It may help a bit.

Five Five

Well-Known Member
If it has parts rattling around, it probably didn't do the gears any favors either. Don't ride it anymore!!
Chop Dawg is correct....... and I had my "Baker OD6" go out on my 03 Pit at 15K miles...Main drive gear bearing was the first too go....after that it wiped out gears, mainshaft and needle bearings...Get it on the bench and remove the top cover for inspection....the whole gear set is removed opposite the primary side, via the "Trap Door"

Bigdogtech...can do the rebuild :2thumbs: a distributor for "Baker Drive Trains" he can get you the parts :2thumbs:

both are members of the forum


Thanks guys.

Yeah, I limped it home and its kenneled with no fluids. Thanks for the link.

I plan on gettin it off tomorrow and tearin into it. I like to work on my own stuff but if I don't feel comfortable I'll get a hold of those members. Thanks for the names.

Five Five

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys.

Yeah, I limped it home and its kenneled with no fluids. Thanks for the link.

I plan on gettin it off tomorrow and tearin into it. I like to work on my own stuff but if I don't feel comfortable I'll get a hold of those members. Thanks for the names.
Zombie....I do my own work as well....I have a how to CD that a friend gave me....if needed I can burn you a copy and mail it out to you...just send me your address.



So... I've pulle dthe transmission after pulling everything within an inch of it. I have been in contact with Baker Transmissions and spent time on their website where they directed me on how to find everything I need. They have breakdowns of each of their trannys on there for downloading along with a complete list of parts that coincide with the numbered breakdown. They sell piece by peice or a complete rebuild kit and a "builders" kit (which it looks like what I need). I found a jumbled mess when I opened her up and lots of marred gear teeth along with seized or blown bearings. Five Five, thanks for the offer; I think I'm good for now but I'll keep you in mind if I run into issues. Luckily I have some fellow gearheads that ride like I do and repair their own bikes as well.

I'll let everyone know how it goes

Five Five

Well-Known Member
So... I've pulle dthe transmission after pulling everything within an inch of it. I have been in contact with Baker Transmissions and spent time on their website where they directed me on how to find everything I need. They have breakdowns of each of their trannys on there for downloading along with a complete list of parts that coincide with the numbered breakdown. They sell piece by peice or a complete rebuild kit and a "builders" kit (which it looks like what I need). I found a jumbled mess when I opened her up and lots of marred gear teeth along with seized or blown bearings. Five Five, thanks for the offer; I think I'm good for now but I'll keep you in mind if I run into issues. Luckily I have some fellow gearheads that ride like I do and repair their own bikes as well.

I'll let everyone know how it goes
zombie.....before you start cleaning it all up post some pics of the damage...i'd like to see it...



I tried posting pics but it keeps telling me that the files are too big. I am not real computer knowlegeable but I could post them on facebook if you are on there. I have a few right now of the chunks but not of the chipped teeth. I will take pics as I pull it apart but it may take a few days


So I've been workin on the issue. Have the tranny pulled off, opened, faceplate off and tryin to get belt pulley off from the mainshaft. After contacting every tool manufacturer I could think of and a coupla shops that are Baker certified I turned to the techs at Baker Power Drives. I need a 1 and 7/8 inch socket thats 4 and 1/2 inches deep to remove the nut holding the pulley onto the mainshaft. BPD informed me that this is a special socket (which I had figured out by this point) and this socket is $199.00. YES I SAID 199 U.S. Dollars for one socket. I contacted Dyna Mike in Belton and he's gonna hook me up, he has the socket and will break it loose for me. Hopefully I can get the parts ordered Friday since I'm at the Station tomorrow and workin on the ironhead.


55 youre cool as fuck. Appreciate the offer but Dyna Mike's gonna take care of me for nothin. Thanks man


Ordered a builders kit from Baker drivetrains. Due to the need for specialty tools I dont have I had Dyno Mike get the innards put in. I got everything put back togethor and shes been runnin well tranny wise. Mike did it for less than the cost of me buyin the tools I would have needed