I have a 2006 Ridgeback. Under the seat there is a big wire going from the battery, thru a 40 amp fuse then attaches to a red thing attached to the frame. There is also a smaller wire that goes to the red thing. It looks like the little wire goes up front to maybe the regulator. Anyway, it started smoking where it connected to the red thing, so I disconected the 2 wires and just blacktaped them together, not attaching them anywhere. The bike has been fine that way for about a year now. I'm now having some sort of elec. problem. I changed the battery and the next day the new battery was dead. I want to fix the 40 amp fuse problem so I can figure what is draining my battery. The end that connects to the red thing was burned and corroded, and the end broke off due to the corrosion. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?