Paint Chipped to the Metal

Energy One


Active Member
Used a trailer for the first time this past weekend to haul my 08 pitbull (no graphics just solid black cherry). This was my good friend’s trailer and he uses it all the time to trailer his HD. Even though BDB offered some great tips on how to tie down a bike and with constant reassurance from my good friend that all would be good I was still very apprehensive with securing the bike down. The anxiety lifted about mile 430 of a 600+ mile trip. Bike stability was fine. As for the light cover well that's another story :bang: :angry:
My buddy's trailer is a single trailer and his bike was being transported by another friend. So the dog had its own private trailer. I'll preface my next statements by they call me schleprock for a reason!! Once we arrived and unloaded the bike I noticed a slight mark on the top lower right of the fuel tank...hmmm looked kind of white initially so I thought maybe it was just dust of maybe some wax that was missed....upon further inspection it was a nick all the way to the metal :angry: We had no clue how it would have happened until we noticed that light cover laying on the trailer floor mother @$#*(#!*(!*(&. I love to ride and certainly will have my share of nicks/scratches etc... But WTF at that time I only had 200 miles on the bike. The only way that the cover could have made the chip was to land exactly on the pointed corner of the square cover. Any other combination probably would have put a light scratch and that could have easily been handled. I guess I could have covered up the bike but that is what the trailer is for right????
Any who sorry for the winded story :rant: but just wanted to share it with everyone and hopefully can prevent this from happening to your machine.
How would I go about taking care of this? My main concern is that it is all the way to the metal and don't want rust. I will provide a pick but it may be difficult to see. It is tiny but to me you might as well attatch a big neon sign with an arrow saying look here. I am sure everyone knows what I mean. It is on the top of the tank so it’s pretty visible. I look forward to your feedback.

BDB is a great resource and love reading the stories, fixes, etc...



I'm curious was that an open trailer and u covered the bike?

You may try contacting BDM and picking up some touch-up paint and have it repaired by a competent painter. Contact Airbrush Ed for his recommendations....
Send it to AirBrushEd...............
Otherwise I would hit it with a black sharpie and put a few coats of Liquid Glass on the tank. The sharpie will help kill the glaring effect of the nick and the Liquid Glass will seal it in.
My buddy and I had an experience similar to yours. Both rides in a toy hauler. Went over 800 miles with no problem and then the last 200 miles a strap came loose, don't ask me he fastened it, and MY ride falls over on its side. Karma prevailed though and it was his ride that took the beating. Wasn't a scratch on mine but man did the paint on his tank take a beating from my iron cross mirror. I felt bad so I buffed my ass off and got almost all of the scratches out but its still there and unfortuantely he has a real light paint so I wasn't able to hide it very well with a lighter colored sharpie.


I had a mishap with an allen wrench hitting my tank, dinged the paint off to the metal. I used nail polish, It worked very good, cant notice it unless you look for it
I had a mishap with an allen wrench hitting my tank, dinged the paint off to the metal. I used nail polish, It worked very good, cant notice it unless you look for it
Damn Bailey you need to get the Tank and Fender Service Covers. I don't do anything anymore without covers on everything and Blue Tape on critical areas


Active Member
It shouldn't be too expensive to have repaired. I had a buddy back my bike into the receiver of a hitch haul and scratch right up to my flame job. The paint shop told me he could fix it with not problem expect for it touched right up against the flames. That meant I would have to have the flames touched up too or it would have a halo along that edge of the flame. I ended up going drastic and adding custom paint to the existing paint job while they were fixing it.


Active Member
sorry about that it was a closed trailer. the light cover i was referring to was on the ceiling of the trailer


Active Member
sorry about that it was a closed trailer. the light cover i was referring to was on the ceiling of the trailer
What are the odds of that? I have trailered my bike numerous times on all different trailers with no issues. Its funny, you use an enclosed trailer to provide extra protection and it turns around and bites you on the ass.


sorry about that it was a closed trailer. the light cover i was referring to was on the ceiling of the trailer
Crazy - just towed my k-9 on open trailer 800 miles no problems and I even had it in gear. A lot of folks caution against doing this as you might break a gear tooth. To keep that from happening I put a wire tie on the front brake lever(not too tight) and I strap the front wheel to the front of the trailer. Have trailered many bikes this way and never had a problem - I also use a front wheel chock.

Ok back to your paint problem - this site explains the chip fix quite well - start at around step 7. I have a friend who paints custom bikes and cars and says this method can take a few weeks to do but works very well - most customers can not find where the original chip was. Of course it also depends on your paint scheme I guess. Good Luck
How to repair paint chips.
Send it to AirBrushEd...............
Otherwise I would hit it with a black sharpie and put a few coats of Liquid Glass on the tank. The sharpie will help kill the glaring effect of the nick and the Liquid Glass will seal it in.
My buddy and I had an experience similar to yours. Both rides in a toy hauler. Went over 800 miles with no problem and then the last 200 miles a strap came loose, don't ask me he fastened it, and MY ride falls over on its side. Karma prevailed though and it was his ride that took the beating. Wasn't a scratch on mine but man did the paint on his tank take a beating from my iron cross mirror. I felt bad so I buffed my ass off and got almost all of the scratches out but its still there and unfortuantely he has a real light paint so I wasn't able to hide it very well with a lighter colored sharpie.
What company makes the scratch out and the liquid glass?

Thanks, "T"
Liquid Glass is owned by MPT industries

Scratch Out is owned by "KIT" or Northern Lab Industries
Thanks Kaptin, when I searched "liquid glass" for instance, they have a number of different products-spray, wax, engine, polish and more, could you be so kind as to tell me specifically which one that you are referring to? The scratch out seems to be all a liquid product and in "Kits" too, that's a little easier since it list only that from different stores and sizes etc. as well as by the company you list.

Thank you for taking the time to help me make certain I am getting the right product as I am going to follow your directions to the letter. I just got my BD K-9 a couple of weeks ago and I am trying not to start of with a screw up by taking the advice of those who know.

Thanks again, "T"


Active Member
Remove your light cover!!!

:bang::bang: Doesn't appear that it went to the metal. Going to order some touch up paint should be good enough.:( I know it is just a nick but it's still there.

So please anyone that uses a closed trailer secure or remove light covers!!!!

This is what happened:


Close up:
Damn Bailey you need to get the Tank and Fender Service Covers. I don't do anything anymore without covers on everything and Blue Tape on critical areas
Hey Kaptin - Where can you get these fender/tank covers? I used to have them for a car I had so when I took it in they had no excuses to scratch up my paint-which will happen when you put it in for service-cars or bikes I doubt there is a difference.

Thanks "T"

