Can you mix/match rocker box/roller arms?

Energy One


2005 Pitbull
Hey guys and gals. While I'm in limbo waiting on funds, I have a question. After breaking one valve mid stem and shortly after wearing out a valve guide, it's time to get rid of the TP's. I was curious. Can you put S&S roller rockers in the TP rocker boxes? If so, do you gain any better geometry or is it all S&S or nothing at all? :confused: I wasn't sure if you could mix and match to get better results or if they will even fit together. :bang: I'm scheduled to send the heads out for new valve guides but stuff keeps coming up that takes priority. :cheers:


Well-Known Member
I know you can mix, I have TP boxes and S&S rockers, but no mechanic here, so I'm interested to hear what I have benefited.
Using the S&S Boxes with the TP Rockers you'll have clearance issues between the rockers and the valve covers.


1- Go with S&S Rockers

2- Grind down the inside of the S&S valve covers to increase clearance.

That's about it, sorry!

dead :cheers:


2005 Pitbull
Using the S&S Boxes with the TP Rockers you'll have clearance issues between the rockers and the valve covers.


1- Go with S&S Rockers

2- Grind down the inside of the S&S valve covers to increase clearance.

That's about it, sorry!

dead :cheers:
What about Steve's scenario? Using the TP boxes with S&S roller rockers? Will there be any clearance issues on a .600 cam with that setup?
Nope! No issues. :2thumbs:

But the possibility of excessive valve guide wear will still be a very strong possibility, due to the alignment issues with the TP Boxes! :down:

I wouldn't suggest that route. Sorry Steve!

S&S recommended from top to bottom. :2thumbs:

dead :cheers: