A couple oil leaks

Hey everyone
I have a couple oil leaks…
I started seeing oil leaking from underneath the air cleaner. The only thing I changed since the winter was a K&N Air cleaner and a K&P oil filter. I’m using synthetic oil. I pulled the air cleaner off and noticed the oil is coming from the breather. I removed the check valve and am able to blow air through the one end but not the other. Assuming that is the way it works. It was never removed prior to the leak so it wasn’t backwards as someone had stated on here when I was reading about others leaking oil problems. I checked the oil level and that’s full (to the bottom of the filling neck). I only drained oil from the oil tank never from the crankcase when changing oil.
My other oil leak is coming from the breather screen on the back of the Primary. Is this normal?

Any help you guys can offer will be greatly appreciated.

One last thing, I took some pictures from a recent ride but I’m having trouble downloading them. Any help there would be appreciated too.



The Pirate
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One last thing, I took some pictures from a recent ride but I’m having trouble downloading them. Any help there would be appreciated too.

Did you take them with a 99 megapixel camera? :eek: As I've posted before shrink them before you try uploading them. If you still have problems email them to me and I'll upload them to your gallery.



Chaff Your EHC!!
Calendar Participant
On the leaks (both cases) it sound like they are overfilled. Change the fluids recently? Eitherway, it'll settle down eventually -- the oil is coming from places it should.


Well-Known Member
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you might have too much oil in your dry sump. Drain the dry sump and run it then check the oil level in the oil tank


Your engine is commin apart like mine did :eek: Check your compression
the dry sump??? Am I assuming correctly that I should drain the tank and the crankcase? I drain the crankcase by removing the plug under the engine right???

Sorry just starting to do my own work.


Active Member
If you installed aa K&n air filter you may have put to much oil on it and when it got warm the oil flowed to the bottom and caused a drip. I probably know this because I have done it.
I have heard don't ever take the bolt out from under the engine as it is hard to get the damn thing sealed back up. Couple mechanics told me this in regards to a BD where they removed the bolt and it kept coming back leaking. I guess you could weld it back if all else fails. (Just what I heard)


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Thats what I was told to do to mine and I got alot of oil out of it. So I knew i had an internal failure going on. Ask S&S if its smart to do. Mine plug sealed up but I also Detentated a pistion. I will never run lean again in this 100 degree weather:bang::bang::bang:

Does your bike have a line running from the bottom of the crank case to your air filter? Is the oil commin from that line? If the check valve is working then it puking oil from the bottom of your crank case. Alot of guys on here use Puke cans. Theres a thread on that


Well-Known Member
No need to drain the crankcase by removing the plug. When changing the oil, drain the tank, remove the old filter, fill the oil tank, start the bike with the filter remove and use a piece of cardboard or something to divert the oil away from the engine at the filter housing. When clean oil starts to come out, shut down the engine, install new filter, top off the oil tank, clean the tappet screen, good to go. About the oil leaks as stated above probably to much oil or if it has been sitting awhile oil will sometimes leak past the check valve @ the oil pump and fill the crankcase. Then when you start the bike up and run it some oil will show up at the air filter. Primary only takes 1 quart. The check valve you are talking about installs with the white side towards the motor.
Ok thanks everyone. This weekend I'll change teh oil and see what happens. the K&N filter I put on was new, right out of the box.

I'll check out the thread on the puke cans. I have 8000 miles on the bike. It is a common thing to put these puke cans on so early?