Pipes Question

Energy One
I think the stock pipes are still on the 2003 Mastiff I just purchased. After just a little riding they are turning a brownish yellow up near the motor.

Are there pipes that will fit this model that will not turn, and if so, what do you guys recommend?

Thanks in advance. New to the forum and have really found it to be informative and helpful so far.


Most pipes are going to turn some color, they usually have crome dress up shields to hide some of the color change


You can always use header wrap or just buy the heat shields... most people fancy the vance and hines pipes I finally caved and bought the 2 into 1 after punching the baffles on the stock pipes, then buying some custom job locally and having bad luck with those...


2005 Pitbull
Have you tried that "blue job" stuff? It's works well with turning exhaust
Lena, I tried that stuff but didn't get very good results. Heat shields are about the only way to have shiny chrome all the time. I have heat shields on the upper half of my RPGeez but I'm just letting the bottom half turn gold. I was hoping the "blue job" would take that off, but no such luck. :job: The thing about it, it's only the bottom half I'm trying to clean and it's not near as bad as the section coming straight out of the exhaust. Actually, the gold turns back to chrome for about the last foot, so it looks pretty cool to me. :cheers::whoop::cheers: