tim caplinger
New Member
Can anyone tell me how difficult it is to put in the wire plus, I am pretty mechanical and was wondering what the level of difficulty was from a level of 1 too 10?:bang:
8 to 10 hours??? Holy shit!! are you having to built the kit too?im with Chain. do your research. read and reread "how to" on here and give your self 8 - 10 hours of devoted time w no interruptions.
from start to finish , removal of old stuff, ignition switch change and install. HELL YES.8 to 10 hours??? Holy shit!! are you having to built the kit too?
That's a damn fine idear.Has anyone considered not cutting all the wires on the harness and simply wiring the new duetsch plugs to the appropriate connectors so that its plug and play; ie make an adapter harness?
from start to finish , removal of old stuff, ignition switch change and install. HELL YES.
i guess you could half ass it in half the time.
i wasnt much different . thurs nite fri nite and most of a saturday. :2thumbs:Agree, I had probably 12 hours over 3 days, I paced myself!
AND go buy a good set of Klein crimpers! There like 25 bucks! Your working on a 20K+ bike.
I thought of and even had an adapter harness built for a plug and play to thunder heart, (WP is not much different and would not have taken much more time). I decided not to release it for a couple reasons. 1. the stock connector is not sealed when you mate them. You could epoxy, wrap it or find some othe way to seal it but coupled with problem #2 it does not make it worth it. 2. By the time you buy mating connector, pins and back shell you would have another $125 or more into a retro kit.Has anyone considered not cutting all the wires on the harness and simply wiring the new duetsch plugs to the appropriate connectors so that its plug and play; ie make an adapter harness?
Has anyone else out there done a fuel injected bike yet -- Does everything work? low fuel etc
...I'm going to do mine this weekend, possible Monday... right before I leave for Sturgis....