Weird Noise

Energy One


Let me start by saying I usually ride with ear buds and music, so this may not be a completely new noise, but I rode the other day without and noise was brought to my attention by my wife...soooooo... I was riding in 3rd gear going up a hill and dropped the rpm down low and didn't gear down since the hill wasn't too big...I noticed a ping as the motor stroked, coming from what sounded like the ignition side??? The only thing I did different that day was add a half quart of was low. I checked some of the bolts on the left side but didn't see anything loose...any suggestions??? The performance wasn't affected at all not really sure?:bang:


Well-Known Member
Detonation ping or what? Low RPM = what exactly? Metallic rattle? There are some smart folks on here man; but I think you've got to put some more effort into describing what you are talking about personally. Otherwise.......

Maybe a rock pinged off your helmet.......:D


It sounded like banging a 1 pound hammer against a half inch piece of stainless steel about 20 times as my rpm was under 2000 in 3rd gear.


Well-Known Member
It sounded like banging a 1 pound hammer against a half inch piece of stainless steel about 20 times as my rpm was under 2000 in 3rd gear.
yeah - don't do that shit anymore. detonation/load on em isn't good if you wanna keep it around for awhile. Ya got 6 gears, I'd use em wisely if I were you....jus saying.


I understand now...thanks...just got alittle worried when I heard it. Remember, I'm just used to an inline 4 on a jap so this is all new to me, lol!:2thumbs:

yeah - don't do that shit anymore. detonation/load on em isn't good if you wanna keep it around for awhile. Ya got 6 gears, I'd use em wisely if I were you....jus saying.


Made in the USA
Make sure you always use the high octane premium fuel only to help reduce pre-ignition (detonation). These engines are higher compression and must have high octane premium fuel.

Under LOAD, LOW RPM's, HEAT and LOW OCTANE are all PING contributors on any engine.

If there is only one pump hose for all three grades make sure you fill with at least two gallons. The previous user probably used regular and it's still in the hose.

Else use a pump with a dedicated hose for the premium grade.

It possibly could be a loose clutch nut and the clutch is coming loose. One thing I don't do is decelerate my bike by downshifting. I feel the high reverse force can contribute to the clutch nut loosening. I normally coast with the clutch lever pulled in just before the light and downshift at a SLOW coast to the stop. NEW clutch nut torque is 110ft/lbs. Increased from the factory original of 80ft/lbs.
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