Ejector Nozzle Cracked???

Energy One


Active Member
Just curious if this is the way the ejector nozzle is suppose to look? Thanks!

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Thats the carb bowl with the o-ring on it. I do belive it has the split in it. I got one at home I could look at but it will be a few.


Well-Known Member
yes its posta be that way! and if ya want to do a lil trick you can open it up a LITTLE and when i say a LITTLE i mean a LITTLE like .002 ta .003 it will give ya a better shot of fuel!!!


Well-Known Member
Is that a hole drilled into the "ejector'. I don't recall that on mine? Already modified?

he has a completely stock set-up there yoiu could make the hole bigger but it so hard to get the right size and once you drill it you cant put it back just open that slot up a bit