possible ehc problem?

Energy One


New Member
trying to help a buddy find a problem. 05 mastiff dies randomly. after reading countless pages on electrical problems checked lights on ehc only lights that work are igniton power up works when you hit starter button. no other lights work turn signals or horn even though all operate properly. it has what i guess is an igniton box (looks to be factory) with two lights one red (stays on with ehc igniton light) one yellow (comes on when started flashes with rpm (more rpm faster the flashing). on initial start up whily ideling tac maxes out at 7000. thanks in advance for any help


Make sure all bat cables are tight and that the bat is good as well. Random cut off could be the key switch and or connections to it.


Well-Known Member
Check the connections at the EHC for corrision, clean if necessary apply dielectric grease. Tach board in the speedo housing could have corrision at the bottom of the board. Random cut off as stated above could be key switch. I have experienced or seen these problems that could cause what you are seeing. Take one thing at a time and check it out.


New Member
i will check battery and cables. look for corrision and put dielectric greese in all connections . thanks for the suggestions.


New Member
battery and cables are good. had all connections around battery apart all look good. took consel off to look at connection under there and found what looks to be a vent line on the right tank capped off came from factory that way because there is same color paint as bike on it.


battery and cables are good. had all connections around battery apart all look good. took consel off to look at connection under there and found what looks to be a vent line on the right tank capped off came from factory that way because there is same color paint as bike on it.
I remember reading somewhere on here guys were having problem with the ignition switch itself causing random cut outs....While riding I only have the bike key in the switch and attached to the spark plug wire with a plastic clip taken from a golf club brush just in case the key falls out.


New Member
i took the bike out for a ride today. it died on me one time coasted off to side of the road still had all lights did not touch key hit run and start fired right back up down the road with no problems.


Made in the USA
Sounds like a problem I had on a 07 Bulldog. Problem was the crimped wire connectors that connect to the battery posts had several wires loose at the crimps. The shop recrimped or replaced all connections and haven't had a problem since. The EHC was cutting out due to lack of voltage required because of the loose crimped wires.


Troop Supporter
I'd like to ask, when was the last time you put fuel in the tank. The last time this happened to me I got a bad batch of gas. I had to drain my tank and carb due to water in the gas. The bike ran fine till I gave it gas and it would die. All lights stayed on and once i pulled over all i did was hit start and the scoot started right up. I would start down the road and it would happen again. Just a thought...