I have a leak between the sproket shaft on the my transmission and the rubber seal on the shaft. The leak was found because I was looking to see if the "cap" behind the sproket was leaking. The cap is not leaking but there is fluid coming out between the rubber gasket and the shaft teeth.. Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to all the posts forgetting me as far as I have come so far.. Any illistarations would be helpful
Yes sir. Same area. I dint have any play in the belt and the bearings seem ok also. Only issue I am having is tranny fluid leaking out of the shaft. It is coming out surfing riding threw the teeth of the shaft. I am trying to get a photo of it up do you mind if when I find you thread I jump in and get a little advise?
All the seals are easy to change out. Is it behind the drive sprocket or the seal in the end of the main drive gear/main shaft? About the same diameter as a quarter.
If it's that small one leaking, take a small flat head screwdriver and carefully pry it out of the end of the drive gear. To install the new one, put a little oil onto the seal and carefully tap it into the end of the main drive gear. Make sure you go just beyond the end of the main shaft with the seal ( a little less than 1/8")
If it's the large one behind the Drive Sprocket, that ones very easy to remove and replace. There are 2 seals with that. The large one that is easy to see behind the Sprocket and then a quad seal that is under the Sprocket spacer. The spacer is located on the main drive gear and can be removed by either grabbing it with your fingers and pulling it off, or may have to carefully use a pair of channel locks to grab hold of it.
**Note** When you remove the seals and sprocket spacer from the transmission, grab hold of the main drive gear and try to move it up and down. If any play, most likely the bearings in the transmission are bad. How many miles are on the tranny