possible EHC trouble

Energy One

BD Butch

this past winter i pulled my front end to grease my neck bearings. hooked it all back up now my signals are acting up. the right side comes on as soon as u turn the key. hit the left and the headlight goes out and then all 4 start flashing. i checked and rechecked the connections and everything is correct. and its not the ground either. have you guys ever run into this problem ?


2005 Pitbull
It seems like every time someone's ehc goes out, the symptoms vary. Have you installed the "cruise mate" on your dog? Sometimes, a small sliver of metal from drilling the hole can find its way to the small board in the hand controls and cause major abnormal electrical symptoms. But, with both the left and right acting up, this may not be the case.


2005 Pitbull
One other thing. Have you washed your bike lately or run through a rain? When water penetrates the ehc connections, even stranger electrical issues occur.


Well-Known Member
Calendar Participant
One other thing. Have you washed your bike lately or run through a rain? When water penetrates the ehc connections, even stranger electrical issues occur.
thats was gonna be my suggestion.. had same thing happen but no loss of headlight w signal trouble...when headlight went out both times it was EHC.. no problems since wire plus


2005 Pitbull
One last comment. This is the "alley" and is generally reserved for babes, beer, jokes and non-bike issues. Maybe one of the moderators can move this to the "help wanted" section. No biggie! And welcome to the pound!

Oscar Maldonado

Calendar Participant
:rant::rant::rant:Damn It!!!!!!!:rant::rant::rant:

I jumped in here thinking that the EHC meant "Extra Horny Chick" and found this instead.:bang::bang::bang:

Its all good!!!! All out of fun BD Butch:lol::lol::lol::lol::up:


Troop Supporter
Maybe try disconnecting your battery terminals and let it sit for a few minutes before reconnecting. This sometimes resets the EHC (Re-boot). Worth a try...:D

BD Butch

sorry guys...believe me . i'm all for T& A . and esp. joking around. i posted that and didn't know where it went . i'm new to this so please bear with me. i'll try and be more careful


2005 Pitbull
No harm done! Just post a sexy ass naked chick on your bike while troubleshooting and we'll all jump in to help...................with the chick that is!!!

Oscar Maldonado

Calendar Participant
sorry guys...believe me . i'm all for T& A . and esp. joking around. i posted that and didn't know where it went . i'm new to this so please bear with me. i'll try and be more careful
Don't sweat it! I just do stupid shit like that when the opprotunity is there. It's all good!:cheers::2thumbs:

BD Butch

if i show you guys the naked chic on my bike then my wife might see it and we all know what happens in that case . the lawyer will make sure she gets the bike.....

BD Butch

if i show you guys the naked chic on my bike then my wife might see it and we all know what happens in that case . the lawyer will make sure she gets the bike.....


if i show you guys the naked chic on my bike then my wife might see it and we all know what happens in that case . the lawyer will make sure she gets the bike.....
:flag:You won't be in trouble if she is naked on your bike. Don't ask me how I know:whoop:


New Member
thats was gonna be my suggestion.. had same thing happen but no loss of headlight w signal trouble...when headlight went out both times it was EHC.. no problems since wire plus
what is this wire plus you so speak of. got a customers 03' mastiff that someone has totally messed the wiring harness up and thinking it may be easier to re wire the whole bike. oh yeah and it caught on fire down inside the frame while i was removing the ehc. not a good night. wanted to push it out of the garage and just grab some marshmallow's.


I wish I had more money.
The wire plus is a company that makes like an ehc. It's a replacement for the stocker. Much more reliable. Less expensive. Easy to wire. Highly recommended by the guys who actually needed it.

T Mack

what is this wire plus you so speak of. got a customers 03' mastiff that someone has totally messed the wiring harness up and thinking it may be easier to re wire the whole bike. oh yeah and it caught on fire down inside the frame while i was removing the ehc. not a good night. wanted to push it out of the garage and just grab some marshmallow's.
Wire plus is a EHC by-pass, so the bike is wired up like a sportster (HD)
Ditch the bitch!!!! (EHC)
was the best mod I have done. I swear my bike runs so much better!!!!!
Plus I have a huge piece of mind not having to worry about a EHC problem....
I bought mine from Jake here on the web site his shop is called low down chop
Search for EHC and u will find all kinds of info on the wire plus set up.

Derek m

I agree T Mack. I have an 04 mastiff just installed the wire plus lit. I got mine from Jake too. His directions worked better for me.