Here are the two seals that are too smalll and don't really seal. I increased the size of them and sealed it up so oil doesn't get into the armeture or selenoid
Carving out a drain grove that newer starters have
This is the most important o-ring you want to replace
This picture is not good enough but the oring doesn't even seal 50% around the case so this is the one you want to increase
Also, when this bearing goes into the case it just spins. The wear marks were obvious on the case so using some bearing Loctite (green) we sealed in the bearing so it worked the way it was supposed to work
Sealing up all those drain holes that cause all the oil to leak on your bike
My starter is locked down tight now and after buying a re-manufactured one from Shovelheadkicker on ebay we took them both apart and after cleaning them up (the re-built one looked like shit) we assembled a rock proof on that has been going strong in my bike now.
Sealing it up tight. Nothing coming in or going out
Two different casings. Seal those holes
The holes are there to drain out what gets in. Once you seal it up like I said nothing will get in so seal up the holes
Here is a pic of the two armatures. Believe it or not but the dirty one came out of the re-built starter
Locking it up
Just to liven things up!!!