Chedda Boy
New Member
Has anyone ever had or heard of oil tank leaking? My dog is 2010 k9 and its only got 2200 miles on it???
The tank is a pain in the a** to get out. I had mine in and out 6 times so I got good at it!! Feel dumb for even typing that but each and every time I reinstalled it I thought for sure I had the leaking fitting fixed. I even went so far as using JB Weld on the threads to seal my fitting. Thank God it never worked as advertised and welded the threads to the tank. I would have never imagined that oil could seep out from under the paint and clearcoat without staining or lifting it. I guess that shows the quality of BDM's paint.Well the verdict is in and Dan from PA Chopper we brother had the same exact problem! Same weld same everything... Removing that tank? what a b*t*ch that was!!! BDM welder was spending to much time on lunch breaks...