Thunder Heart EHC

Energy One


New Member
I am trying to install Thunder Heart ASM4250C/ASM4250D Electronic Harness Controller, to replace my PDM in my 2007 K-9, however i can figure out how to get Constant Power to the stock handle bar controles.


New Member
well like all the ECH from bigdog my went bad as well. So i ordered the replacement PDM from bigdog, even though it was "plug and play", i still had some minor issuse that i was not alble to solve. That is when i decided to try the thunder heart ECH.


Insert title here...
well like all the ECH from bigdog my went bad as well. So i ordered the replacement PDM from bigdog, even though it was "plug and play", i still had some minor issuse that i was not alble to solve. That is when i decided to try the thunder heart ECH.
First, not ALL EHC's bite the dust... most don't! :up:

Second, it sounds to me that you haven't fixed the REAL problem yet which means you're going to have issues with the Thunderheart too! :bang:

For whatever it's worth I'd be doing some good solid troubleshooting before wasting any more time and money! :2thumbs:

But that's just me... :hi:

so the thunderheart ehc was once the factory made part for bd. Then the bd ehc replaced the thunderheart ehc. then the pdm replaced the big dog ehc????????? am i following the time line here? i just bought a 2004 mastiff and have my first ehc issue and am not sure what the best fix is. i do kniow i dont want to wait for 2 months so i was thinking the m unit or the thunderheart. please advise


so the thunderheart ehc was once the factory made part for bd. Then the bd ehc replaced the thunderheart ehc. then the pdm replaced the big dog ehc????????? am i following the time line here? i just bought a 2004 mastiff and have my first ehc issue and am not sure what the best fix is. i do kniow i dont want to wait for 2 months so i was thinking the m unit or the thunderheart. please advise
Thunder heart ehc was used in American Ironhorse bikes.

I am not aware of them using them in might be thinking of thunder heart ignition modules.


do you know if they are reliable. thinking of getting one for 2004 mastiff
Seem to be, but I only have a sample set of one, mine.

I don't follow any AIH forums, though. I follow this one.

Not sure how many were installed, either. I will tell you that thunder heart has been good in working with me on my AIH speedometer.


Thunder heart ehc was used in American Ironhorse bikes.

I am not aware of them using them in might be thinking of thunder heart ignition modules.
I know my 2002 Mastiff came with a Thunderheart EHC and everything still works on it
Thinking of picking up a spare for $199 while it is stil available just in case.


Bought '99 ProSport in June 2012. EHC block that was in bike (couldn't figure out manufacturer) had a short and turn signals worked anytime they wanted too?
Replaced with a Thunderheart EHC and no further problems, about 8,000 miles since change.
did you guys ever figure out the big dog thunder heart issues.
well I know its a little late but I have a 04 ridgeback and is now having ehc problems.
I too pointed towards the thunder heart setup but was told no thunder heart controller would work because an 04 ridgeback uses a neg ground on the handlebar controls.
has anyone come up with any good plug and play system
without just repeating what other people have said.
well I swapped out my ehc for a thunderheart setup put together by Kansas city motorworks. it wasn't plug and play like they said it would be but works great! being riding happy every since I installed it.


Well-Known Member
So what was the fix for the stock BD right and left hand controls? Does anyone know what lead supply's the boards with power? I am close to being finished with my install except for the turn signals and brake lights.


Active Member
If anybody remembers i lost my mind about 4 weeks ago with the ehc problem, the bike went to kendall johnson . i let them do whatever they wanted to fix my problems (i wanted everything replaced) ,VR ,STATOR, ROTOR ,BATTERY,PLUGS, "WIRES PLUS kit"......... wires plus was there call
OK,OK I threw maybe un-neccesary money at it but being electrical i didnt want any excuses or malfunctions (peace of mind).
yup it did hurt my feelings$$$. But so far so good, a little early though just picked it up three days ago (100 miles ago).The bike runs/starts much better,

.............. Fingers crossed
now Im down with Franco and ""maintenance is key"", still wine and dine aaalllll electrical connections