Wild West Motor Company


The Spaniard
I can't see a date on this Article... I hate it when they don'y show the date it was written.... it can be a few years old! :confused:


Well-Known Member
I like the look of the Gunfire. Like the tank and chrome swingarm. Dont care to see the rear shock exposed.


Active Member
the dragoon is very nice. heck its 3" longer than my ridgeback was,,, plus has suspension and 300 tire. I wonder what there using for electronics ?


Active Member
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Active Member
Interesting. Never heard of them, and 75 miles down the road from me. Might make a nice ride destination, if the ICE ever melts around here.


Active Member
I looked into them 10-15 years ago. They were based out west in California as I recall. The recession got them and they were purchased by a couple guys. One was part owner in Apollo cycles which also was a victim of the recession.