Crank sensor puts out a pulse wave. Better known as a square wave made by the magnetic pickup and out the one wire it goes to the black box to convert a wave form into a number the black box can understand. What is with this cutting of wire? Anyway, is this a factory wire or who's? No matter. Lets take a guess at that cut wire.Can not figure how the tach lights up, about the first 4 or 5 lights come on when the starter is turning with the yellow tach single wire going to it cut off.
Bike starts, lets assume. Are we looking for a tach signal? Lets eliminate that one cut wire to find out.
1. Key on: Does it have 12v to it? Then it is not a tach signal.
2. Key on: Will it pulse if the starter turns the engine to make a square wave to be measured with an ohm meter at the 10v scale or less. We want an analog meter with a needle so we can see a swing happen at 10v or less, or say at the 2000m scale.
3. Key on: If not hot with 12v, but can pulse with the turn of the engine, watt are the odds it came from the black box with the converted number to send to the tach wire. Make sense?