New Member
I am trying to install Thunder Heart ASM4250C/ASM4250D Electronic Harness Controller, to replace my PDM in my 2007 K-9, however i can figure out how to get Constant Power to the stock handle bar controles.
First, not ALL EHC's bite the dust... most don't! :up:well like all the ECH from bigdog my went bad as well. So i ordered the replacement PDM from bigdog, even though it was "plug and play", i still had some minor issuse that i was not alble to solve. That is when i decided to try the thunder heart ECH.
Thunder heart ehc was used in American Ironhorse the thunderheart ehc was once the factory made part for bd. Then the bd ehc replaced the thunderheart ehc. then the pdm replaced the big dog ehc????????? am i following the time line here? i just bought a 2004 mastiff and have my first ehc issue and am not sure what the best fix is. i do kniow i dont want to wait for 2 months so i was thinking the m unit or the thunderheart. please advise
do you know if they are reliable. thinking of getting one for 2004 mastiffThunder heart ehc was used in American Ironhorse bikes.
I am not aware of them using them in might be thinking of thunder heart ignition modules.
Seem to be, but I only have a sample set of one, you know if they are reliable. thinking of getting one for 2004 mastiff
I know my 2002 Mastiff came with a Thunderheart EHC and everything still works on itThunder heart ehc was used in American Ironhorse bikes.
I am not aware of them using them in might be thinking of thunder heart ignition modules.
There are several if you do a Google search...has anyone come up with any good plug and play system
without just repeating what other people have said.