2003 service manual mastiff

Energy One


Well-Known Member
HI, I have a 06 Mastiff and I too am looking for a service manual. I saw one on Ebay for 375.00 which I thought was above my budget. If you have a PDF for this manual. My email is jim.powell@cox.net
They are all in a drop box now. I don't have the adress right now. Do a search for Service Manual Drop Box. Or PM Ker BWG


Bad Dog
Thanks Will Do, Right now I'm trying to figure out why Vance & Hines sent me the swrong mounting bracket for my 06 Mastiff. The one that they sent places the lower end about 5 inches from the frame and that my friend is ugly with a capital UG... I sent them photos, hopefully they will answer quickly...



Bad Dog
Yep, I don't have the same frame as yours. No attachment point where you showed. I'll contact V & H Today...