Michael A
Hello Guy´s,
since yesterday my speedometer has a problem: It shows the right mph during the ride but the LCD of the daytrip and whole mileage is dead.
I´ve made a Speedo Calibration but it did´t show "P-U-L-S-E". There are some black parts on the LCD that´s all.
When I turn the key, the needle sweeps across the speedo but the LCD stays empty...
Could it be a Speedo sensor connection failure? If so, why it shows the correct speed?
Enclose a picture of the speedowhen it was still working correct. Only to show the typ.
since yesterday my speedometer has a problem: It shows the right mph during the ride but the LCD of the daytrip and whole mileage is dead.
I´ve made a Speedo Calibration but it did´t show "P-U-L-S-E". There are some black parts on the LCD that´s all.
When I turn the key, the needle sweeps across the speedo but the LCD stays empty...
Could it be a Speedo sensor connection failure? If so, why it shows the correct speed?
Enclose a picture of the speedowhen it was still working correct. Only to show the typ.