2007 important Bulldog follow up


I have been troubleshooting a Bulldog that quits when hot. We spent considerable time on it yesterday and determined that temperature (330) was shutting down the EFI computer and when we cooled down the sensor it would start again. The question was, is it the sensor or is it running too hot.

I called S&S today, they were great. The tech support person I spoke too thought that 330 would be the limit on temperature for this engine. He felt the existing non programmable EFI module was causing the bike to run too lean (EPA) and is not re programmable.

They sell an off road module replacement and have a bunch of them. They retail for $355 and come programmed for BD engines, I believe plug and play.

The data below is subject to confirmation, but the module number for the 07 EFI bulldog is 55-50-29. Only sold by S&S dealers, not the factory and should be plug and play. I would think this is an extremely valuable asset for this bike and should be kept in mind while they are available.

Hope this helps more guys with similar problems.



Made in the USA
Good info....already been through that mess with S&S.

What gets me is they ARE willing to sell you a new ECM but won't unlock your existing good module after warranty is gone. They claim it's a EPA thing, but what's the difference.......our box or theirs. BS!


Today the BD owner Don called me, he spoke to S&S, they revised the part number to 50-55-90 and they told him to call the mechanic who changed out the coil, he can order the module which is a 49 state module. The Ca module is locked and cannot be changed after manufacturing. The bike also has a feature that he felt, but was unaware it existed.

While riding, as the bike gets hotter, at first heat up, the module will skip 1 ignition pulse every 9 revolutions, if it continues to heat, it will skip 1 every 7 revs, then 1 every 5, then it shuts down. He has aftermarket pipes on the bike and that contributes to the lean condition through scavenging. The 49 module is supposed to cure the overheat, run richer and cool the cylinders.

I hope this all helps others who may have a California bike with EFI. I'll report back after the module gets here and see if it helps.

Thanks to you all for the help and the friendship.



Well-Known Member
Good update ! I appreciate when members post follow up solutions and/or solutions they are researching :up:


Made in the USA
Curing 2007 EFI problem copied from above link and posted here

agourabob post is reposted here for closure...

I recently posted requests for help with a friends 2007 Big Dog, a California injected model that was quitting when hot. Would not restart for 10-15 minutes. A few suggestions were EFI module, crank sensor and others. Only for future help understanding the systems and procedures, I wanted to post the steps we followed.

Initially we set the bike up and ran it while observing the temperature at the intake manifold temp sensing bolt with a laser temp gun. The bike quit at about 300 degrees indicated, after cooling the sensor with a cold hair dryer, it started immediately and ran for 2-3 minutes. Was the bike too hot, or the sensor wrongly sending its signal.

We called S&S, spoke with their tech dept, they recommended changing the EFI module to a 49 state rather than a california profile. We did that, and no help, still quit when hot, although we were happier having that richer condition.

Next we downloaded their pro tune software, free from their website and with a usb to mini usb B style end, we plugged into the EFI computer, connector under the cover on top front of the EFI module. Best to use a windows XP machine for this. We went into the gauge setup on top, then into the advanced settings. The screen came up and displayed ALL internal running conditions of the motor including software version in the EFI unit, If ANY parameters were off during running, that box would go RED during the running. Oh, by the way, the original EFI module does NOT shut down the motor when over the temp limit, it is not programmed to do that.

When we ran the bike while on the program it showed head temps and timing, etc. When it quit, we lost RPM output signal, this being generated by the crank position sensor. To boot, we had a scope probe across the sensor, there was no output while cranking.

I guess we could have just changed the crank sensor from the beginning, but we wanted to make sure a module wasn't causing it. This did cost us more money to troubleshoot, but we now know what to do to analyze a big dogs ignition and EFI system.

I thank all that gave ideas, and i hope the info about S&S's very helpful software helps someone else through their problem in the future. A regular current production crank sensor fits all big dog motors. Best to splice it in close to the location of the sensor, connectors must be cut off the Harley sensor and the wires soldered and shrink wrapped.

Thanks Again
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New Member
Hey guys,
Looking for a little advice, I've been trying to change my air cleaner on my 07 BD Bulldog, single bore, 52 MM throttle body. S&S calls it a "unique" bolt pattern which makes it hard to find a velocity stack to match up. I'm wondering if this pattern matches any other TB or carb. Or any ideas on air cleaners I could look at.



Supporting Member
Hey guys,
Looking for a little advice, I've been trying to change my air cleaner on my 07 BD Bulldog, single bore, 52 MM throttle body. S&S calls it a "unique" bolt pattern which makes it hard to find a velocity stack to match up. I'm wondering if this pattern matches any other TB or carb. Or any ideas on air cleaners I could look at.

One option would be a dual runner.


For anyone looking to have options on an air cleaner get the adapter from LAChoppers in LA with this you can run any air cleaner I just installed Arlen Ness super sucker on my 08 k9 looks great better then S&S air cleaners