Help Please! Bike shutting down!


Active Member
Its a 2009 Mastiff. No the lights stay on when it goes off. I tried yesterday again, started perfectly and stayed on idle for a minute. Then I went for a ride. 1 minute into it as I came to a stop I felt it sputtering. Kept the enging revving high and made it back. As soon as I let go of the throttle it stopped. I tried to start and nothing. I let it cooldown for at least 30 minutes and still nothing. :bang:

By the way, do I spray once the engine starts up?


Active Member
Went to start the bike this morning and it started like a charm. Most likely the intake seals are the culprit as suggested. I will buy some brake cleaner and see what happens and also try to convince the mechanic here too.

By the way where do I buy the intake seals for my 2009 Mastiff?


New Member
i had a simular prob on my 2000 husky, thought it was a fuel problem. found it to be my ignition switch. its a quick one to diagnose just by tying your wires together and goin for a ride. but my symptoms were not exactly the same. probably not the problem, but its worth tryin. goodluck


Well-Known Member
Went to start the bike this morning and it started like a charm. Most likely the intake seals are the culprit as suggested. I will buy some brake cleaner and see what happens and also try to convince the mechanic here too.

By the way where do I buy the intake seals for my 2009 Mastiff?
Your '09 will have the new 50 degree ignition switch in it so I'm sure that's not the problem. Lik e I have already said, it's probably te intake seals. You can get them from anyone that get S&S parts. Make sure the seals are S&S. H-D will not work. They are a thicker rubber and will not seal. If no dealers in your area ten you might have to order off the net or from someone on here maybe.


Active Member
Thanks all and Andrew! We will work on this tomorrow and will let you know how we make out. My money is on what you said as it makes sense. Anyone here sell these seals? Let me know and I will be a buyer


Low Down Chop Shop
Watch adding any additives to the gas. The internal tank liner does not like some additives
and will begin to flake or peel with some. That can plug up the pick up screen and carb.


Active Member
Ok. Today we sprayed the intake seals, and dog stayed on. Then as it warmed up more it sputtered off. Started again and would not go on. We took the gas line off the carb and we saw a thin black spiral peace coming out. We worked it out and flushed the line.
Started up like a charm. Wednesday we will take the carb apart and clean out any debris.

My question is, why did this only shutdown when it got hot? What is the techinical reason beind that? Thankgod it was not the intake seals.

BDMRIDGEBACK, thanks for the advise. I only poured a few drops of the octane booster. But will not use it again for sure.

Thanks all for the help and the advice. Its hard to find good people on this little island
with your expertise.! I will let you know what or if we find anything? Thanks!


Active Member
Well that 's good to hear might you have found the problem. It's always something simple.that problem to me just didnt sound like electrical .


Kansas Motorcycle Works
I'll only come back if I get to see that cute wife of yours!!!!
Absolutely Ray. We have a small little bar just a few blocks from the house that has some of the coldest beer I've ever had. Dollar draw nights make for some good times and its easy on the wallet.

On a side note I picked up the engine and tranny for the bike I'm building for a guy. Bought it off an aircraft worker that's been on layoff for awhile so he was looking for some quick cash. Got a S&S 107 with black wrinkle finish with diamond cut cylinders and a Baker tranny with it for $3k. Pretty much stole it, guess that's one bright side to the economy.


Active Member
Ok it started all over again. Especially if I ride the bike hard that is 5 to 10 minutes
at high throttle. It would start to pop on the down shift and then eventually shutdown and not restart
We took the carb apart and it was clean. We checked plug sparks, no problems.
Tried to start and when we took plugs out again they were dry. My mechanic said they should be wet. We started tracing fuel lines and eventually noticed the equalizing line dry. We disconnected the bottom of the carb and nothing came out. We tapped the housing and then fuel came out. The float was stuck. Then it overflowed, so it got stuck
in the fill position. We determined that when the carb heated up the float was sticking and thus starving the engine with no fuel. That was why when it was cold it worked ok. Anyone ever have this issue???? I am using a Big AIR PSI. What is the fix? Thanks!