In my opinion a big dog needs a front fender to be a big dog. But when you remove the front end and replace it with a sugar bear front end, it’s no longer a big dog. It’s a big dog custom. it will look better without a front fender. I’ve only seen one springer with a fender that looked good. Sugar bear springers don’t need a fender.
I somewhat disagree with you. Stock Big Dogs are pretty custom and unique to start with. You never hear someone say it isn't a Big Dog anymore because the paint job was done (or re-done) by someone other than the factory. Even from the factory, the paint jobs are super varied. I see almost all Big Dogs as customs.
The 2 reasons I wanted a front fender was to 1) help keep the front tire from throwing crap back on the engine, and 2) Big Dog choppers have front fenders. And as much as I love Harleys, I would like to keep it looking more Big Dog than Harley, if possible.
I do tend to agree with your whole second point.. you don't usually see Sugar Bears with front fenders (which is something else that would make it stand apart a bit).. SBs don't need it.. and I tend to agree that it would probably look better. You still think no fender, even if it were a custom small one?
I've ridden for years and this is my first chopper, I like the length it is now, but it will still probably end up being longer.