Bandit Clutch


Well-Known Member
Thanks I finally had time to make some minor adjustments and well I cant pull my front tires but it hooks up and pulls great! Thanks for help everyone!


Active Member
One thin here.

I rarely see anyone say whether they are running one thin or one thick shim. Mine came with 4 thick and several thins. I ended up running 4 thins.
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JT Loftis

New Member
yeah what Ray said. I got an 05 Bulldog and I also had to replace my pushrod as some were wrong around that year. This was causing a very heavy shift from neutral to first when the bike was cold. A new pushrod is not expensive.
yeah what Ray said. I got an 05 Bulldog and I also had to replace my pushrod as some were wrong around that year. This was causing a very heavy shift from neutral to first when the bike was cold. A new pushrod is not expensive.
where can I get a new pushrod