04 Pitbull
Oil residue in circled area. Thoughts on root cause? Your opinions are appreciated.
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04 Pitbull ya say.....check your rockerbox gaskets. Looks like the rear is seeping a bit and@ speed it will spray on ur side covers. It may be the lid gasket or the actual rockerbox gasket? A leaky pushrod cover can do the same... looks like some blackened oil on ur rear fins....?
Going to try this. Where is the timing hole plug?Here's a little tip that works for me, re: OIL LEAKS.
1- Remove timing hole plug.
2- Install an air gun on your air hose line.
3- Don't use more than 20 or so psi air pressure.
4- Wrap the air gun, where it enters the timing hole with a rag, so air doesn't leak out too much.
5- Use short air bursts, so you don't blow any gaskets, or seals out.
6- Your leak should appear, either by sound or wet oil.
7- Works like a champ, saving you time, and accurately finding the leak.
Your welcomeThank you!
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Looks like the rocker box gasketIt's either leaking from where the arrows are showing, or from deeper inside--like where the brass-looking thing is (sorry, I don't know the nomenclature). If it's the gasket, what would be the name of that gasket? If its the other thing, what do we call that area? Is it even possible that the brassy area could leak?
As always, your input is super-appreciated.
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