Rear Wheel/Swingarm Problems


Supporting Member
So, I'd like to give everyone the entire history of this problem in hopes that it may help in the diagnosis.

Back in the fall I knew it was time for new Shocks because the seals had ruptured, spraying oil on the back wheel and eventually bottoming out. I initially thought the oil was coming from the primary case and rode the bike a few more times before realizing it was the Shocks. The last time I rode it I noticed the back wheel seemed to shift on acceleration. I attributed this to the Shocks and a couple of months ago ordered a really nice set from Curtis (Wildsteadworx). I installed the Shocks without any problems, however I noticed one side of my rear fender was lower than the other (In relation to the tire). I double checked the Shocks to make sure they were adjusted evenly...they were. I test drove the bike, the Shocks worked fine, but I still felt some movement from the back wheel during hard accelerations. Stopping to check the wheel, it seemed movement.

The next time I rode the bike I got on it a little hard and I felt the Drive Belt slip. I stopped, it was really lose. This puzzled me, it wasn't lose before. When I got home and checked everything out I realized the rear axle had shifted, like the torque:from the belt had pulled that side in. I decided to pull everything apart on the rear wheel. I replaced Bearings (Old ones were fine), New drive belt, New brake pads. Everything went back together perfectly, except I noticed the Rotor didn't align evenly in the Caliper as it once did. Anyway, I torqued the axle nut to 65 ft. Lb., and went for a ride. I immediately felt the axle shift again so I went back home. Sure enough, the axle had moved but the belt side was still tight. I examined the swingarm and it looks like it has moved as far to the drive side as possible, leaving no space between it and the frame. The opposite side has about 3/8 inch space between swingarm and frame. I've got a few pictures, although poor visibility. I put a tiny screwdriver blade on the drive side trying to demonstrate how tight it is, and a large screwdriver on the other. Also, I enclosed pictures showing the drive side space at 1 inch th the fender, other side is 1 3/8.

I thought I would check with you guys and get your opinion before I go further.



Supporting Member
Those axle set screws were set correctly. The swingarm appears to have moved. What are the symptoms of a bad swingarm bushing/bearing?


Well Known Member
Supporting Member
Those axle set screws were set correctly. The swingarm appears to have moved. What are the symptoms of a bad swingarm bushing/bearing?
Well the symptoms of bad bushings on my bike was a busted left rear shock. Of course we are talking about different years/models but those bushings do go bad…


Second Chance Customs
Supporting Member
By the sound and looks of thing your swingarm bearings are shot...even if the swingarm bolt has backed off a little i would still change the bearings...only good way to tell is jacked the bike up and see how much movement you have in the swingarm and im sure your going to have alot of movement by what i can see in the pics and the way you are talking...pivot shaft or bearing is what it has to be
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Supporting Member
It's supposed to rain all weekend and I don't have a shop here, just a small metal Gazebo. With the back wheel still on it definitely appears to be something wrong with the swingarm. So, I'll just have to tear it apart and find out what it is.

Mastiff Rider64

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06 K9 has a 1 piece pivot shaft, so you wouldn't have to adjust it, could be your pivot shaft bushings though. Or could still be that the pivot shaft is broken in half.


Supporting Member
Wow! What a job this is going to be...alot to remove. The Drive side of the swingarm seems to be too close to the frame. I think I'm going to remove the rear wheel assembly, then disconnect the Shocks where they bolt to the swingarm. This should allow the swingarm to rotate freely. I should be able to at least feel where the problem is. That pivot shaft looks like it wouldn't break, but I saw pictures of a previous post where it did. My initial thoughts are that mine is broke on the drive side. This would account for the swingarm almost touching the frame on that side, and also the tire being 3/8 inch higher (closer to fender).


Supporting Member
This is a tough call. Looking at the enclosed pictures you can easily see the gap difference between the two sides. However, the gap is consistent going from top to bottom on each side, meaning that it appears that there is only a slight 1/8 inch offset on the swingarm. I can't feel any play or see anything that looks off to me. So, I'm wondering whether I should even continue at this point. I'm leaning towards tearing the rest of it apart since I've gone this far and at least replace the swingarm bushings. It's an 06 K9, so I would guess they've never been changed before. I did notice that my spacers on the rear axle were able to spin despite the axle nut being fully torqued. In fact, I had to use an impact Wrench to back to axle Bolt off. Do you think my problem is as simple as replacing the spacers? Or adding another 1/16 inch spacer?Spacer? I enclosed a picture showing some wear right where the spacers go, mainly etching off the powder coat on each side. Any ideas?



Supporting Member
I also see slight wear on my rear brake caliper bracket. My thoughts are that if you add up the wear on both sides of the frame where the inner and outer spacers touch the frame, combined with the wear on the Caliper bracket, it would add up to 1/16, significant enough to prevent the axle from fully tightening and allowing movement. More thoughts???



Leaving it all behind
I also see slight wear on my rear brake caliper bracket. My thoughts are that if you add up the wear on both sides of the frame where the inner and outer spacers touch the frame, combined with the wear on the Caliper bracket, it would add up to 1/16, significant enough to prevent the axle from fully tightening and allowing movement. More thoughts???
Are you adjusting the rear axle correctly? Keep on the allen head screws that look like they are the adjusters they are not they are dust seals the adjusters are deep inside after you remove the plugs. Make sure the distance between the center of the axle and the center of the swing arm is equal and check the rotor clearance looks correct then tighten the axle nut to 90 ft lbs. Should work if everything is tight it cant moove. Good luck!

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