I have been troubleshooting a Bulldog that quits when hot. We spent considerable time on it yesterday and determined that temperature (330) was shutting down the EFI computer and when we cooled down the sensor it would start again. The question was, is it the sensor or is it running too hot.
I called S&S today, they were great. The tech support person I spoke too thought that 330 would be the limit on temperature for this engine. He felt the existing non programmable EFI module was causing the bike to run too lean (EPA) and is not re programmable.
They sell an off road module replacement and have a bunch of them. They retail for $355 and come programmed for BD engines, I believe plug and play.
The data below is subject to confirmation, but the module number for the 07 EFI bulldog is 55-50-29. Only sold by S&S dealers, not the factory and should be plug and play. I would think this is an extremely valuable asset for this bike and should be kept in mind while they are available.
Hope this helps more guys with similar problems.
I called S&S today, they were great. The tech support person I spoke too thought that 330 would be the limit on temperature for this engine. He felt the existing non programmable EFI module was causing the bike to run too lean (EPA) and is not re programmable.
They sell an off road module replacement and have a bunch of them. They retail for $355 and come programmed for BD engines, I believe plug and play.
The data below is subject to confirmation, but the module number for the 07 EFI bulldog is 55-50-29. Only sold by S&S dealers, not the factory and should be plug and play. I would think this is an extremely valuable asset for this bike and should be kept in mind while they are available.
Hope this helps more guys with similar problems.