250 - 300 conversion

SWEET!!!! I'll have room for it in the original arm! You guys are the BEST! If you ever need anything that I can help with y'all just let me know, anytime! I may have to squeeze somemore info outta you guys later, but for now I have to get these parts rounded up. Thanks again!! :flag:


Well-Known Member
Just remember, you can't just throw the wheel in there and center it in the swingarm, it needs to be centered on the BACKBONE. From there, check clearance on either side and see what you gotta do to get the belt/chain and brake on.
I hear that. Do you think that you guys could get me an interior measurement of a k9 swingarm at the axle and about 10 - 12 inches forward of the axle? I promise I won't bug you again. Thanks.