Baker 6 Speed?

Energy One


Well-Known Member
You can get parts anywhere. FYI some of my gears were stamped "HD". No idea why. Call baker directly for parts.
:2thumbs::whoop::whoop::whoop:Ya, I figured that it is. I was responding to one of the post that said 2003 and up had BDog trans with baker guts. Not that it makes that big of a difference. Like what Jersey James said, Slickest tranny....

With all that said, and others talking about BDM going down hill and parts becoming unavailable..... Can't we just buy parts from Dennis Kirk, and JP cycles. Most of what I see on my bike can be bought from them. Is it because some of the newer bikes have special BD parts on them?
Its gonna be a little tough at first but we will get through it easy enough.
I just found the starter motor armature for my BD starter, the spline end got tweaked somehow, and they are made by a Taiwanese company. Of course I think every electrical armature in the world is being made by the Asians right now anyway.


I have an 03 Chopper and just rebuilt the tranny on it. It is a Baker 6 Speed OD transmission inside a Jim's case with a specially made and stamped Gate on it that says Big Dog.