If you are tallking about the Harness with PDM, The baisc How To you have already been directed too. Also may want to look at some of Raywodd pcitures from when he did his too. Should be able to find under a search.
The basic are that you remove your old one by disconnecting the JST and various connectors. Pull it out (recommend carefull and do not cut anything, that way you can save the harness if you need to go back or possible help someone else out later).
Depedning on how you model is, you may need to remove the battery box and clean it up to mount the PDM and HCI (Hand Control Module). You will also need to remove the old EHC.
On the old EHC there is two harness (one for power and then the main back bone). ON the new PDM there is one harness for all.
Basically route the new harness up the backbone (take you time and do not get frustrated, can be a pain getting it through-Ray used some dentle pciks to feed the connectors one at a time through the hold in the back bone-some have used a electrical fish tape or something similar like an old speedometer cable or maybe a clutch cable).
Once the harnes is routed properly, route the wires (once again take your time and get them well managed), hook up the new harness to the exisiting connectors of the old componets (use some dielectric grease between them to help waterproof better; condier sliding a piece of shrink wrap over the connectors and once everything is hooked up and tested, then consider going back and shrink wrapping the connectors to give even more water proofing).
Hook all the componets up, lay out neat (biggest problem seems to be in getting them tiddy up in the part that goes behind the electrical covers-so take your time-check the cover to make sure they do not bind, before locking everything in place).
Get everything hooked up, test and then finish it up and go riding.
It is pretty much a plug and play and some of us had modded some of the wires to make a common ground and lessen the connectors to the battery. Something you may want to consider and thus keep the connectors to the battery to minimal and increase protection against loose wires later on at battery post.
Anyone can do it, just take you time, do not get frustrated and route your wires as cleanly as you can and insure there is no binds or conflicts with compontes or the side covers.
Also mine and I think others had two sets of connections for the speedometer, one for the old style and one for the newer Medallion style BDM speedometere. If you have a Dakota Digitial it goes to the old style which is three wire verse 4 for the new Medalion style.
The instruction that came with mine were very good and the schematic was excellent and helped a great deal. Hopefully you have the same thing.
If you get in a bind or have issue, take a break, send a post and myself or one of the many members will help you out as soon as we can get back to you.
Good luck and if you gain some tips to help other out, by all means post them.